
hydrangea 紫陽花


As I said before, Japanese feel each season from flowers. Like Cherry blossom are sing of Spring.

Now It's the middle of TSUYU, the rainy season before real summer. A sign of TSUYU is hydrangea here in Japan. I don't know other countries case.

Those days I can see so many kinds of hydrangea from all over the world.

I think the blue or pink ones in the pictures are hydrangea I used to see in Japan from child.

How about comparing with ones in your country. and then let me know the difference :D

Most flowers suit with sun very much, however hydrangea with rain is perfect match! Don't you think so too?

Here is Hakone, there are a lot of hydrangea along the railroad. So that the trains are called Ajisai densya, Hydrangea train! Sounds lovely, doesn't it?