
hanging HINA dolls 吊るし雛

hina dolls

Do you know what the day is  March 3rd in Japan?

This day is for girls in Japan. From long time ago, the family who has girls celebrate this day for lots of wishes. Like all of the parents all over the world wish their daughters happiness.

Usually HINA dolls are displayed in a room like a Christmas tree.

Woman  here IZU INATORI town sew handmade hanging hina dolls by themselves.

Each doll has each mean, for example, staying healthy, walking well, the growth, enough food and so on.

Every year of this season, lots of tourists visit here to see those hanging dolls.

It's lovely and beautiful works.

Girls from out of Japan, March 3rd is also your day as well as girls in Japan.

By the way, May 5th is the day for BOYS in Japan!
So Not worry, if you are a boy.